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  • FAQs
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Are services free?

No, services at the United Community Health Center are not free. Patients pay for services according to their income and household size by applying for our sliding fee schedule.

Can anyone apply for the sliding fee schedule?

Yes. We encourage everyone to apply for the sliding fee schedule.

Can I come to UCHC if I have insurance?

Yes. We accept a large number of health insurance plans including Medicaid and Medicare. Be sure to bring your insurance card with you for any visits at UCHC.

If I have insurance with a high deductible or uncovered services can I apply for the sliding fee schedule?

Yes. Insured patients may also be eligible for discounts for uncovered insurance services and the sliding fee schedule based on income and family size.

Do I need to make an appointment?

We encourage you to make an appointment. However, we will accept walk-in patients as our schedule permits.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

  • If you have medical insurance, bring a copy of your insurance card.
  • If you have Medicaid(Title XIX), Medicare, bring a copy of your card with you.

If you wish to apply for the sliding fee schedule please bring:

  • Your most recent income tax return or one month of pay stubs for every working adult in the home.
  • Names, birthdates and social security numbers of each person in your household.

What is the 340B Drug Program?

The 340B Drug Pricing Program resulted from enactment of Public Law 102-585, the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992, which is codified as Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act. Section 340B limits the cost of covered outpatient drugs to certain federal grantees, federally-qualified health center look-alikes and qualified disproportionate share hospitals. United Community Health Center is a federally qualified health center providing eligibility to participate in the Federal 340B Discount Drug program. The health center contracts with HyVee and Walgreens in Storm Lake, Iowa to manage the prescription drug program for patients. All patients of United Community Health Center are eligible to obtain prescription drugs although not all drugs are included in the 340b drug program. Even patients who are seeing a specialist such as a cardiologist or rheumatologist may be eligible for the discounted drugs as long as a provider from United Community Health Center co-signs the prescription and is participating in the overall care of the patient.

Medical Links

Patients accessing health information from internet based web sites should not replace visiting with their own physician for healthcare information. Patients should always consult their family or personal physician with questions. These sites are strictly available for informational purposes.

United Community Health Center does not endorse any web site listed.